Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Pacific Standard Time

Israel is a world class destination offering unique archaeological, cultural and religious attractions like no other place on earth and where else can you “walk where Jesus walked.” Those looking to explore and adventure on their Israel tour will find it. The destination provides amazing scenery, desert adventures, scuba diving in Eilat at the Red Sea with magnificent coral reefs, camel rides and horseback riding along desert trails or in the forest of the Galilee.

There is nothing like experiencing Holy Week and Easter Sunday in Jerusalem. This is the time when Christians celebrate the most important event of salvation history and Jesus’ life at the same place where everything in the Scriptures occurred.

A church we worked with had recently gone through a redesign of their website, which was good timing during the planning of their church members group tour to Israel. The church set up a very attractive landing page for promoting and announcing the tour. We recommended promoting the church webpage with paid advertisement through Google Ads-because you want to have a good landing page for what you are promoting.
The church was located in an area where there were not too many other churches, so they geo-targeted their new Google Ads campaign to their immediate area. The lack of other churches promoting in the area made the campaign CPC (cost per click) very affordable.

The multi pronged approach for engaging church members has been the greatest evangelistic strategy we have seen in the church world in the past 40 years. Not only has it brought accelerated numerical growth but it has also challenged church members evangelistically. Organizing a church group to the Holy Land gives congregations an opportunity to help fulfill the great commission by inviting their friends, family, and neighbors to come and experience seeing the “Land of the Bible,” with their own eye’s.

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