Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM, Pacific Standard Time

Your Christian tour to Israel with professional guide will include a visit to the site of the Rejection of Jesus described in Luke: 4:29-30 to Mount Precipice, also known as Mount of Precipitation, and Mount of Leap– His own people of Nazareth, not accepting Jesus as the Messiah “mobbed him and forced him to the edge of the hill,” “they intended to push him over the cliff,” but "he passed through the midst of them and went away."

The Cenacle, also better known as the Upper Room is traditionally the site of The Last Supper that you will visit during your Holy Land Israel trip. This two-story room in Jerusalem commemorates the Last Supper shared by Jesus, as well as several other events described in the New Testament took place such as; the Washing of the Feet, the resurrection appearance of Jesus, the gathering of the disciples after the Ascension of Jesus, election of Saint Matthias as apostle, and the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples on Pentecost. The room is also directly above the Tomb of David and near to Dormition Abbey on Mount Zion.